Friday, December 27, 2019

Youth Smoking and Prevention Essay - 3811 Words

Youth Smoking and Prevention Introduction: Ascertaining the Issue and Addressing the Problem As we progress into a more sophisticated and knowledgeable future, it is no wonder that our prosperity and health are first on our list of priorities. By simply looking at the longevity people have in todays world, one can see something that was unfathomable less than one hundred years ago. In this proposal, an issue is addressed that deals on many levels. It is an issue that touches everyone, whether one is directly involved or not. It is an issue that lives in every community around the world and affects more people than most realize. So as we advance into an increasingly foreseeable future, where our standard of success rises higher†¦show more content†¦To provide a picture of the magnitude of the problem, it was estimated that underage smokers consumed 924 million packs of cigarettes in 1998 (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 188). A number as large as this will be certain to raise eyebrows, but as we have seen from the past, most times it does not. A prime exampl e of the ignorance shown toward smoking is given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who state that over 2 million deaths in the 5-year period from 1995 through 1999 were attributable to cigarette smoking (Heinrich 1). This total lack of adherence is shocking. But first, to begin to assess and fully understand what we are dealing with, knowledge of tobacco and how exactly it became so popular is necessary to achieve a meaningful solution and ultimately effective proposal. Tobacco: A Self Portrait Exactly how tobacco gained so much influence and popularity is uncertain. There was never a single moment in time when everyone all at once decided that they should take up smoking cigarettes. This is why tracing the exact origin of influence is hard to do. However, when one looks at the past, hints of causing factors can be seen that still create problems in todays issues. For example, Joel Spitzer, a former smoker, writes about how smoking cigarettes started to become part of everyday life andShow MoreRelatedChildren s Awareness Of Youth Smoking969 Words   |  4 PagesControl and Prevention, (â€Å"Youth and Tobacco Use†). The eyes of many open once they experience a loved one that suffered from addiction . In the United States, there are many active companies that are trying to increase the awareness of youth smoking. American Lung Association tries to inform parents and children about the risk smoking has to our bodies, (â€Å"Our Mission†). To dramatically impro ve the health of the youth, many organizations come together to inform the youth of the effects smoking has onRead MoreThe Effects Of Cigarette Smoking On Health884 Words   |  4 PagesCigarette smoking remains the chief cause of none communicable disease and death in the United States. Each year, cigarette smoking is responsible for an estimated 480 million deaths and more than 8 million smoking-related illnesses (CDC, 2014). It is accountable for total costs nearing 170 billion dollars in direct medical expense and work lost productivity (2014). Although it is true that smoking adversely affects health, there are more than 4 million adults reported as active smokers. In manyRead MoreSmoking Essay1280 Words   |  6 Pages Smoking is known as the leading cause of death in the United States with over 480,000 deaths each year. Due to smoking increasing the risks of dying from several other diseases the total number of deaths that can be attributed to smoking is about 540,000. Acc ording to Lecture, the problem exists in society with about 23% of U.S. adults smoking. The highest rates are found in American Indians and Alaska Natives with the lowest being Asians. Smoking is known as public health enemy number one. SmokingRead MoreThe Dangers Of Tobacco And Smoking1584 Words   |  7 Pagessurrounded by smoking day to day everywhere we go even if we don’t smoke it affects us. It has been in our society for generations. Families have grown up with family members that smoke or even smoking themselves. Smoking is a large part of our society spending billions while boosting the economy with sales and ads; in the midst of so much negativity surrounding smoking which is it good or bad? We hear the negatives all the time but upsides to smoking are never discussed. Tobacco and smoking were notRead MoreWhy You Should Quit Smoking Essay1150 Words   |  5 PagesTopic: Smoking in Society Goal: I want to persuade my audience that smoking is a health risk to all of society and that smokers should be encouraged to quit. Thesis: It is imperative for smokers to quit, benefiting society as a whole a well as themselves. Introduction Attention Material: I am from a family where both of my parents dont smoke. There is although a person of my circle who smokes a lot everyday and that is my unlce. All my life I can remember him smoking and trying to quitRead MoreTobacco and Its Harmful Effects1685 Words   |  7 PagesThe â€Å"Smoking† Killer Smoking has become a big health epidemic in today’s society. Smoking has grown to be a â€Å"norm† among all races, genders, and ages of Americans. Smoking is very harmful to the body because of the vast chemicals that are involved in the tobacco. Various life-threaten disease, such as Cancer come from smoking. The government has implemented a wide range of ways to stop people from smoking these senseless chemicals to live a smoke-free life. Literature Review Tobacco crops are theRead MorePsychoactive Substance Problems Of The United States1072 Words   |  5 Pagesin the future. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the impact of cigarette smoking on the economy is huge. Seventy-five percent of American health care money spent is due to the effects of tobacco causing various chronic diseases. Such diseases include, diabetes, heart disease, cancers, congenital defects, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), stroke, birth defects, etc. â€Å"Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases, andRead MoreEffects Of Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Smokers1264 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services developed a survey for the assessment of cigarette smoking among adult smokers. The assessment showed that there has been a significant decrease/decline in cigarette smoking amongst adults in the year of 2003. The survey proved that fewer adults are smoking in Los Angeles County than if the rate of smoking had remained the same as in previous years. This paper evaluates the findings in the assessment conducted by Los Angeles County DepartmentRead MoreThe Effects of Smoking Bans on Victims of Exposure to Second Hand Smoke800 Words   |  4 PagesThe Effects of Smoking Bans on Victims of Exposure to Second Hand Smoke Exposure to second hand smoke, which for the purposes of this report will be designated SHS, poses extremely detrimental health risks for any and all individuals who consider themselves non-smokers, especially young children and pregnant women. SHS is estimated to contribute to heart attacks in nonsmokers and causes nearly 53,800 deaths in the United States alone on an annual basis.1 According to the United States SurgeonRead MoreTeenage Smokers and Advertisement Essays1085 Words   |  5 Pagesyoung people to its particular brand has a high chance that they will become loyal to their company and maintain their profit for many years to come. This concept applies to tobacco companies as well. A CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) study showed that 80% of smokers start before the age of 18, which is why tobacco companies try hardest to attract young people the same as any other company would, by advertising. Even though Canada’s Tobacco Act (1997) bans advertising of

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Environmental Factors Of Juvenile Delinquency - 988 Words

During a child’s development many environmental factors can affect a child’s behavioral outcome. Knowing this, what environmental factors cause juvenile delinquency? â€Å"Each year, approximately 1.5 million adolescents are arrested in the United States, most are repeat offenders, and, in 2008 one in eight violent crimes was attributed to juveniles† (Leverso, Bielby, Hoelter, 2015, p 1). Understanding the environmental causes of juvenile delinquency allows society to better protect children from becoming offenders. This then can reduce the number of juvenile delinquents in the United States. Key words related to this topic are chronic neglect, juvenile delinquency, and poverty status. Chronic neglect may include medical, educational, or emotional neglect, in which caregivers fail to provide for children s medical needs, ensure school enrollment and attendance, or provide emotional nurturance. â€Å"Neglect also includes failure to provide for basic needs of a child, including food, clothing, and shelter, or failure to provide adequate supervision of children appropriate to the children s ages and developmental capacities† (Logan-Greene Semanchin Jones, 2015, p 1). â€Å"Juvenile delinquency is a deviance phenomenon triggered by bio-psycho-social factors and characterized by the incapacity of minors and young persons to adapt to the rules of conduct in society† (Peteanu, 2015, p 1). Poverty status is a very basic term to show if one is poor verses those who are not. The purpose ofShow MoreRelatedWhen Most People View The Majority Of Juveniles As Rebellious1174 Words   |  5 PagesWhen most people view the majority of juveniles as rebellious kids who are searching for their place in the world, they do not realize that some of these â€Å"rebellious kids† could turn out to be dangerous criminals in the future. Yes, they are searching for their place in the world, but the thing that most people do not realize is that t hey think have found it through juvenile deviancy, even if they know it is illegal. The definition of a juvenile is someone under age 18. The brain does not fully developRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System And Juvenile Offenders941 Words   |  4 Pagesways in which the juvenile justice system responds to female offenders. Historically juvenile female offenders have been treated under status offense jurisdiction (Zahn et al., 2010, p. 10). United States Courts would exercise the principle of â€Å"parens patriae† to place the female in detention as a form of punishment for misbehavior (Sherman, 2012, pp. 1589-1590). This principle also remains prevalent as it pertains to how the juvenile justice system currently responds to juvenile female offendersRead MoreSocial And Environmental Issues Of Juvenile Delinquency980 Words   |  4 Pagesjustice system. There are many problems that contribute to the social and environmental issues of juvenile delinquency. Several factors are youths brought up in poverty stricken and gang infested neighborhoods, exposure to drugs, violence, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, no parental guidance and neglect. A large number of these children commit violent crimes and more than 700,000 are a part of gangs. 40 percent of the juveniles who are incarcerated in America are detained and locked up for minorRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Is A Crime967 Words   |  4 PagesJuvenile Delinquency is a crime categorize mainly based on age. Juvenile delinquency the definition under the criminal law it generally refers to behavior which shall be subject to criminal penalties for people age under 18 being implemented. Juvenile delinquency is an increasingly common social problem facing the U.S currently. The problem of juvenile delinquency is also very prominent, and the severity of their crimes have been gaining awareness of the whole society. Poor social environment isRead More Adolescence and Juvenile Delinquency Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesI couldnt begin to cover all the possible reasons that may cause an adolescent to become a juvenile delinquent. During my research, I found that the term juvenile delinquency is defined a number of ways. Mosbys Medical Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary summed up juvenile delinquency best with this definition; resistant antisocial, illegal, or criminal behavior by children or adolescents to the degree that it cannot be controlled or corrected by the parents, endangers others inRead MoreIntroduction: There are many theories that attempt to explain the phenomenon of juvenile1000 Words   |  4 Pagesphenomenon of juvenile delinquency and the factors that cause it. There is, and has been, a great amount of young people who engage in delinquent behavior throughout the nation and worldwide. What exactly is the catalyst that incites these young people to commit crime and stray from the ethical norm established in society? Are all youth susceptible to the temptation of deviant behavior or is it just some? Theories suggest different possible etiologies, which include: social factors, biological factors, psychologicalRead MoreThe 19th Century : The Nineteenth Century1333 Words   |  6 Pages had children as young as fifteen married and having children of their own (Hacker D. J., 2003). The age distinction we place on juveniles today would not have been applied at that time, subsequently juveniles who broke the law were tried in the same courts as adults. Some youths as young as fourte en years old were executed for their crimes until 1899 when the Juvenile Court of Law was established in Chicago, Illinois (Jensen, G. Shoemaker, D., 2007). It is painful to consider that youth who foughtRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency : The United States1458 Words   |  6 Pages Juvenile Delinquency in the United States We live in a world where there is a great deal of investment allotted to our children and our culture tend to be overprotective of our youth. Rightfully so, our younger citizens are considered the building blocks of our nation and the carriers of our legacy in the future. But in spite of stringent laws that seem to protect our youth, other factors such as race, poverty, and environment are catalysts for delinquent youth behavior. Juvenile crime isRead MoreA Juvenile Delinquent Is Someone Under The Age Of 18 Who1033 Words   |  5 PagesA juvenile delinquent is someone under the age of 18 who commits a criminal act. There are a few traits of the average juvenile offender. Family could be a big factor in a child becoming a juvenile delinquent. Coming from a dysfunctional family unit to having poor role models. By dysfunctional family unit I mean a family separated by divorce, or single-parenthood. Community is another trait of a juvenile delinquent. Including but not limited to povert y. Coming from a poor community where they doRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Should Be Punished Or Rehabilitated For Their Crimes1094 Words   |  5 Pagesdecades old many have been solved, yet so many remain or are being discovered. Juvenile delinquency is one of the many conflicts that occur in the world. How can it be put to an end? To solve a problem knowledge must first be obtained and data analyzed for conclusions. There are specific traits that juveniles have that help determine the risk of delinquency in a child. These can be caused by a vast number of environmental factors ranging from simple peer pressure to as grave as relying on deviant acts

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Critical Essay Example For Students

Huckleberry Finn Critical Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the noblest, greatest, and most adventuresome novel in the world. Mark Twain definitely has a style of his own that depicts a realism in the novel about the society back in antebellum America. Mark Twain definitely characterizes the protagonist, the intelligent and sympathetic Huckleberry Finn, by the direct candid manner of writing as though through the actual voice of Huck. Every word, thought, and speech by Huck is so precise it reflects even the racism and black stereotypes typical of the era. And this has lead to many conflicting battles by various readers since the first print of the novel, though inspiring some. Says John H. Wallace, outraged by Twains constant use of the degrading and white supremacist word nigger, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the most grotesque example of racist trash ever written (Mark Twain Journal by Thadious Davis, Fall 1984 and Spring 1985). Yet, again to counter that is a quote by the great American writer Ernest Hemingway, All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finnits the best book weve hadThere has been nothing as good since (The Green Hills of Africa Scribners. 1953 22). The controversy behind the novel has been and will always remain the crux of any readers is still truly racism. Twain surely does use the word nigger often, both as a referral to the slave Jim and any African-American that Huck comes across and as the epitome of insult and inferiority. However, the reader must also not fail to recognize that this style of racism, this malicious treatment of African-Americans, this degrading attitude towards them is all stylized of the pre-Civil War tradition. Racism is only mentioned in the novel as an object of natural course and a precision to the actual views of the setting then. Huckleberry Finn still stands as a powerful portrayal of experience through the newfound eyes of an innocent boy. Huck only says and treats the African-Ame rican culture accordingly with the society that he was raised in. To say anything different would truly be out of place and setting of the era. Twains literary style in capturing the novel, Hucks casual attitude and candid position, and Jims undoubted acceptance of the oppression by the names all signifies this. Twains literary style is that of a natural southern dialect intermingled with other dialects to represent the various attitudes of the Mississippian region; he does not intend to outrightly suggest Negro inferiority. Had Twain intended racial bigotry, he would not write the about the sympathies of Huck towards Jim. This can easily be seen in that Huck does, in various points in the book, realize Jim to be a white equivalent at times. Huck tells the reader, when he realizes that Jim misses his own family and children, I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for theirn (150). I do believe that Twains literary style, that is, his informal language through Huck, is more a captivation of thoughts as though in a conversation than as an intended use of white supremacist inclination. Any words that seem to degrade African-Americans is merely a freelance use of Southern jargon and not deliberate. That is, Huck talks the way he knows how and was taught according to the society then to stylize a specific treatment at black slaves. However, his sympathies towards Jim throughout the river odyssey has taught Huck to overcome certain stereotypes, such as black stupidity and apathy, but not quite thoroughly to rebel against societal prejudices. Huckleberry still believes Jim to be irrelevant and pig-headed at times, as in their exchange over the Biblical story of King Solomon and the French language. Huck does not tell Jim but to the reader, If he got a notion in his head once, there warnt no getting it out againI see it warnt no use wasting words you cant learn a nigger to argue (76-79). Huckleberry is also a very important character to study to further contemplate Twains literary style in that Huck is the main character and the voice through which Twain conveys the images of the South. The reader will notice that Huck acts based on his own morals. Despite the Widow Douglass and Miss Watsons attempt to sivilize Huck by teaching, sheltering, and instructing him on how to behave, Hucks actions throughout the novel do not always reflect their teachings. The protagonist has limited perspective and his outlook in life is honest, containing no propagandist suggestions. Huck neither advocates slavery nor does he protest against it. He sees slavery as a natural occurrence in daily life and the inferior disposition of slavery to be of little significance. Whenever a situation occurs that requires Huck to assist Jim, Huck does so accordingly to his own moral standards. He may agitate over the morality of helping a runaway nigger, as southern society condemns the act, but his own love for Jim allows Huck to accept his own wic kedness. I come to being lost and going to helland got to thinking over our trip down the river; and I see Jim before me all the time But somehow I couldnt seem to strike no places to harden me against himhow good he always was I was the best friend old Jim ever had in the world, and the only one hes got now I will steal Jim out of slavery again; and if I could think up anything worse, I would do that, too (206). Finally, Jim and many other African-American slaves seem to accept their lesser positions as contended to white folks. This is the most critical junction that has earned Twain innumerable criticism and caused such long discrepancies among the scholars of American heritage literature. The oddest, most peculiar description in the novel after Hucks almost symbolic acceptance of Jims persona, Twain makes a pivot that then mocks Jims buffoonery towards the end. After all that Huck and Jim has endured together, Huck seems to compromise it all simply to please the childish and rid iculous ploys of Tom Sawyer. Outrageous proposals such as having rats, snakes, and spiders occupy the same small prison Jim is in, that Jim water a plant with his tears until it flowers, that Jim make engravings on stone to reveal his oppressed imprisonment in the hut when Jim is living quite well, etc. All of these preposterous acts might make the reader laugh aloud! Yet, they serve a different meaning and belong to a wider course. For one, Huckleberry extremely admires Tom Sawyer. The situation is not merely targeting blacks and humiliating them, it is rather simplistic. Towards the beginning of the novel, Huck specifically says, being proud but humble about faking his death, I did wish tom Sawyer was there; I knowed he would take an interest in this kind of business, and throw in the fancy touches. Nobody could spread himself like Tom Sawyer in such a thing as that (33). Later and throughout the novel, anytime Huckleberry managed to trick somebody, he would imagine Tom to be ther e and more capable. Though the reader knows Huck is quite intelligent by himself, seeing how he dupes so many people with his stories. Huck continues this stark admiration of Tom even to the end when he says, He Tom knowed how to do everything (250). However, Huck does not seem to possess a kind of jealousy towards Tom but still maintains the innocence of simplicity. Try as Tom might, Huck is not swayed by his Spaniards and A-rabs, magicians, and genies. Claiming them, after trying it himself by rubbing an old tin lamp and an iron ring, was only just one of Tom Sawyers lies (16). This also suggests that Tom plays on the ignorance of others. So when Tom makes plans to free Jim, Tom is just bragging his knowledge and continuing his usual insulting of others when they disagree or question him. He again plays on the ignorance of Jims caretaker Nat by having Nat believe he was hallucinating. Huck and Tom undertake so much trouble but it all makes the novel appear very boyish and reminisc ent of the Mother Goose nursery rhyme on what boys are made of. Once more, Mark Twain isnt necessarily suggesting that African-Americans are inferior and should be discriminated against, the author desires to capture the innocence and playfulness of childhood, specifically depicting Huckleberry as a true boy. Huckleberry Finn is a wonderful book that captures the heart of the reader in its brilliance and innocence. Despite many critics have attacked its racist perspective; the piece merely represents a reality that occurred during antebellum America, the setting of the novel. Twains literary devices in capturing the focal of excitement, adventure, and human sympathy is a wonderful novel that should be recognized, not for bigotry, but that it is the candid viewpoint of a boy that grew up in that era. And even then, the protagonist does overcome some social prejudices of slavery because he is concerned with the well-being of his runaway slave friend Jim. That the mockery of the slave race in the end allowed by Huck is more about fulfilling the awes of Huck towards Tom. The novel is a success because it does not fail to capture the one singular point of growing up for Huck: boyhood. .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d , .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .postImageUrl , .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d , .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d:hover , .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d:visited , .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d:active { border:0!important; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d:active , .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc58b35da55364b9f905b65e54e5ea99d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Same Sex Marriages Essay

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Strategic Industrial Development free essay sample

An argument for strategic development plans for nations. This paper describes that developing and industrial countries need to have a business plan just as businesses have, in order to develop to its fullest potential. The paper explains that these plans, strategic development plans, are encouraged by the United Nations and the World Trade Organization to create a better economic environment and quality of life for the citizens of the nations using this method. The key to success for any business is to start with a solid, well-researched business plan. A good plan will serve as a roadmap for the growth of the company with certain milestones laid out, to measure the success of the plan. A successful plan will take an inventory of the resources that a company currently has in its possession and make provisions to obtain those that it predicts that it will need in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Industrial Development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The plan will ensure that the best use of a companys resources is made in the future. It ensures that the decisions that are made are in the best interest of the company.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Emilie Du Chatlet Essays (417 words) - Fellows Of The Royal Society

Emilie Du Chatlet Born in Paris on December 17, 1706, Emilie du Chatlet grew up in a household where the art of courting was the only way one could recieve a place in society. During her early childhood, Emilie began to show great improvement in the area of academics that soon she was able to convince her father that she needed attention. She studied Latin, Italian and English. She also studied Tasso, Virgil, Milton and other great scholars. In spite of her talents in the area of languages, her true love was mathematics. Emilie's cleverness was outstanding in other areas as well. At the age of nineteen she married a man named Marquis du Chatelet. Emilie had conquered the heart of Voltaire, one of most intriguing and brilliant scholars of this time. As Voltaire notes "We long employed all our attention and powers upon Leibniz and Newton; Mme du Chatelet attached herself first to Leibniz, and explained one part of his system in a book exceedingly well written, entitled Institutions de physique". However she soon abandoned the work of Leibniz and applied herself to the discoveries of the great Newton. She was extremely successful in translating his whole book on the principals of mathematics into French. The years Emilie spent with Voltaire at Cirey were some of the most productive years of her life. When there were no guests both of them remained tied to their desks. In the spring of 1748, Emilie met and fell in love with the Marquis de Saint-Lambert, a courtier and very minor poet. This affair, however, did not destroy her friendship with Voltaire. Even when he found out that she was carrying Saint-Lambert's child, Voltaire was there to support her. With the help of Voltaire and Saint-Lambert, she was able to convince her husband that it was his child she was carrying. In early September of 1749, she gave birth to a baby girl. As Voltaire describes it: "The little girl arrives while her mother was at her writing desk, scribbling some Newtonian theories, and the newly born baby was placed temporarily on a quarto volume of geometry, while her mother gathered together her papers and was put to bed". On September 10, 1749 she died suddenly at the age of 43. As many authors note, during the course of her short life, Emilie was a truly unique woman and scholar. Among her greatest achievements were her Institutions du physique and the translation of Newton's Principia, which was published after her death along with a "Preface historique" by Voltaire. Emilie du Chatelet was one of many women whose contributions have helped shape the course of mathematics.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Human Resources Management The WritePass Journal

Human Resources Management Introduction Human Resources Management from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Dickey, J., Dudley, L., Rees, J., Thompson, J. Wamsley, G. 1999. Information Technology   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Implementation Issues: An Analysis. Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia   Ã‚  Ã‚   Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration and Public Policy: 1-5.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved on Nov 20, 2012 from           053715/unrestricted/DISSERTATION2.PDF Scandura, T.A., Williams, E.A. 2000. Research Methodology in Management: Current Practices, Trends, and Implications for Future Research. Academy of Management   Journal, 43(6): 1248–64. Taylor, S., Beechler, S. Napier, N. 1996. Toward an Integrative Model of Strategic International Human Resource Management. Academy of Management Review, 21(4):   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   959–86. Usunier, J. C. 1998. International and Cross-cultural Management Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers. Vanderbroeck, P. 1992. Long-term Human Resource Development in Multinational Organizations. Sloan Management Review, 34 (1): 95–102. Human Resources Management Introduction Human Resources Management , February 22). Tesco Job Sparks Outcry. Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition. p. B7. Tesco jobs at risk after Eddie Stobart taiceover. (2012). Truck Driver, 8. Tesco ready to chill

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 42

Journal - Essay Example This notifies the audience that the author is in support of the fact that there are fake scientific data published in journals and ignoring such information can have a detrimental impact on people. The content of the article is detailed giving examples of numerous instances where scientists have linked vaccination to autism and where a scientist disagreed that HIV results to AIDS. It also gives an instance where John Bohannon disclosed that it was easy to put out deceitful scientific information in available publications (Wong 1). The use of these examples makes it interesting and easy for the reader to understand. The author also uses quotation marks to show emphasis on numerous words within the article such as â€Å"mental retardation†, â€Å"knowledge† and â€Å"scientific counterfeits. Wong, the author, uses a comparatively formal language. The article’s tone is resentful evidenced by the last two sentences of the article. Additionally, the author appeals to the readers by clearly emphasizing on his

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assessment Centre Case Study 'University Reunion' Essay

Assessment Centre Case Study 'University Reunion' - Essay Example The major reason companies or businesses merge is to reduce or save on the production cost especially in the case of former competitors, generate capital for entering into the markets or launching products, and possessing technical knowledge and complementary practice needed to compete effectively in the market. (Sanders, 2012) Acquisitions and merger The term merger and acquisitions are usually used by several people as if they are synonyms of each other, but a slight difference exists between the two terms. According to Investopedia (2011), when a single company takes over another company and establishes itself clearly as the new owner, the sale or purchase is referred to as acquisition e.g. Panflow acquiring the Vatline Company. The force that allows for new business enhanced cost efficiencies is known as synergy. Synergy assumes the form of cost savings and revenue enhancement. When the companies merge, they hope to benefit from four major ways, which are also the ones that may g enerate issues if not handled well. These areas are economies of scale, acquisition of new technology, staff reductions, and improvement of industry visibility and market reach. Business issues The subject of employees is usually handled as a minor business issue while it has a huge role to play in the success of the merger or acquisition. John Reh (2012) refers to this issue as merger mania, and advocates for a successful management of people to achieve a successful merger. Bersin & Advocates (2010) supports this idea by presenting it from the perspective of HR consulting and outsourcing. The main reasons for a company acquiring another or merging are critical to the solutions of the business issues that may arise due to the company acquisition. Identifying the strategic reasons why Panflow acquired Vatline aids in concentrating on the synergies that Panflow may require for success. Common strategic reasons or objectives for acquisitions that range from complementary market and pro ducts, acquisition of key technology, gaining creative talent (from Vatline), and eliminating competitor are important in determining the solutions to the business issues. (Daunt, 2002: p.2) Merger pitfalls Gitelson et al (2001) identifies seven key areas that any merger needs to look into from the beginning in order to ensure success. These areas or pitfalls are preoccupation, list-making, organizational proliferation, irrelevant and infrequent communication, triangulation, relatives, and the guiding light. Technical issues The idea of merging organizations or companies always requires the technological integration between the two companies. Vatline and Panflow are utilizing different software and hardware platforms and making the same business units to function as one the companies require a technology in place that would enable the different systems to communicate at a machine level. (William, 2004) The easier way to attain this is for one group to migrate to the same technology functions as the other. The manner that should be followed in selecting the best technological platform to use would be considering the technological superiority of one of the systems over the other. Apart from the superiority of the technology, the major issue is supposed to be the ease at which the transition from one system to another would be achieved from the procedure, organizational structure, and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Animal tesing in medical research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Animal tesing in medical research - Essay Example However, the cons of animal testing include killing of countless animals for experimentation, huge costs incurred for feeding and caring for the animals, and unreliability of animal testing because many drugs may not function in the same manner on both human and animal bodies. Animal testing is a controversial topic and has been subjected to various misinformation and biased opinions. The paper tries to show both sides of the issue and keeps a positive stand regarding animal testing in medical research. Canadian Health Care Animal testing happens in all countries but in varying degrees. In Canada, animal testing is regulated by the Canadian Council of Animal Care (CCAC). Health Canada is responsible for the overall protection of the Canadian population, which includes protection against the harmful effects of a medication or drug. For this purpose, Canada supports animal tests for development of medicines and healthcare. Canada emphasizes minimizing the suffering of animals by using other available alternatives. Canada encourages â€Å"refinement, replacement and reduction techniques† in animal testing. The CCAC ensures that animals are tested in an ethical manner and under proper conditions. It also stresses that animals should be given as many care facilities as possible within the area of the experimental method. They must also be maintained in a humane manner when they are used. CACC also supervises the laboratories as well as the hygiene and medical needs of animals, and whether a proper dose of pain relievers is given to the animals. There are, however, many organizations in Canada, which oppose animal testing unless absolutely necessary for innovations of better medical facilities. Canada is ready to abolish animal testing if alternatives are discovered, which has yet not happened (Murnaghan, 2010). Pros of Animal Testing Animal testing in most cases ensures safety of use of medicines and products on human beings since they were first tested on an imals before introducing them in the market. Knowledge gained from vivisection of animals in laboratories has helped the medical researchers to know more about cardiovascular diseases of human beings and as a result, there has been a decrease in human deaths due to this disease. Animals are used for research only when there is no alternative way. Animal testing also helps in preservation of the environment. Animals are treated in a humane manner during the course of experimentation. Although animal testing is not a flawless method to guarantee success, it nevertheless reduces the risk of experimentation on human body by ensuring a reasonable possibility of success (Khan, 2011, p. 202). Since human body is an extremely complicated machine, it is necessary for medical researchers to use tools that replicate this complexity. Human body has trillions of cells that work in incredible precision for proper working of all organ systems. In spite of various innovations such as cell cultures and computer models which are strong techniques in the war against human diseases, animals are the closest to replicating this complexity of human body. In the absence of animal tests, medical research would be highly hampered. To minimize the genetic difference between animals and human beings, researchers have invented many methods such as genetically altering animals so that they imitate more closely the human physiology. This has made it possible for scientists to perform those experiments on animals that are not viable on human body even without concerning

Friday, November 15, 2019

What Is Rdbms Ordbms And Oodbms Information Technology Essay

What Is Rdbms Ordbms And Oodbms Information Technology Essay A set of computer programs which controls the formation, preservation, and the use of database with computer as a platform is called a database management system (DBMS). The control of organization-wide database development in the hands of database administrators (DBAs) is permitted by the database management system. It helps the use of integrated collection of data and files and also easily permits the access of the same database to different user application programs. The database models like network model or relational model can be used by the DBMS. Another feature of the DBMS is allows users and other software to store and get back data in a structured way in large systems. The users can write simple question in query language to retrieve information instead of writing computer programs. Fourth-generation programming language (4GLs) and other application development features provided by DBMS are very helpful to specify the logical organization for database and access and use the information within a database. Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS) The abbreviation form of Relational Data Base Management System is RDBMS. The structure of RDBMS is database tables, fields and records. Each RDBMS table consists of database table rows and each database table row consists of one or more database table fields. RDBMS is used by main frame, midrange and microcomputers. MS SQL Server, DB2, Oracle and MySQL are the most popular RDBMS. The data are stored in the form of tables which might be related by common fields. The data stored in the database table are manipulated by the rational operators given by RDBMS. SQL is the database query language in most RDBMS. Why RDBMS? We will use the terms tables and relations interchangeably. In a RDBMS, the data is logically perceived as tables. _ Tables are in logical data structures that we assume hold the data that the database intends to represents _ And tables are not physical structures. _ Each table have a unique table name There are advantages and as well as disadvantages in the RDBMS. The advantages of RDBMS are Fast and easy to pop out data as relation among entities is well defined More secure and normalization Problems are avoided when two things are processed at the same time data can be managed in proper manner Accuracy The disadvantages on the other hand are A professional is needed to deal with Proper training is required Need software and hard ware The model is not easy to the end user to run quires Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) The object relational database management system is known as a database management system which is alike to a relational database, but with an object oriented database model. This system supports classes, objects and inheritance directly in database schemas and in the query language. Besides, extension of the data model with custom data type and methods are supported by ORDBMS. The well-organized management from a limited set of data types is focused in traditional RDBMS but object relational DBMS on the other hand permits web sites development experts to join their own data types and methods. Advantages of ORDBMS: Large storage capacity is ensured in Object Relational Database Management Systems which benefits for the web based development. Reasonably quick access speed Massive scalability of ORDBMS is beneficial. Outstanding manipulation power of object databases is boasted in ORDBMS APIs and server subsystems are added to support object functionality. The database engine is completely redesigned A new object-oriented layer is added to support rich data types Disadvantages of ORDBMS ORDMBS fails in High speed internet applications. The IDC opines that the ORDBMS market has the possibility to exceed the size of ODBMS in the next two years time in web based development Object Oriented Database Management system (OODBMS) Object Oriented Database Management system is the most excellent alternative to resolve impedance mismatch causing in the use of Relational Database Management System as objects have to be mapped to table. Database management is combined with object oriented programming concepts by the object oriented database management system. The principles of database management such as isolation, durability, consistency and atomicity and the object oriented programming concepts consist of of inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism. The mixture of these ideas permits easiness in the management of large number of data, results in system reliability and guarantees support for query languages. Therefore, from the description given above it can be concluded that an OODBMS is not only a database management system but also a complete object oriented development setting. Software development companies use OODBMS as an alternative because it follows intelligibility while objects are accessed in the database. The Main objective of the OODBMS is to give consistent, data independent, secure, controlled and extensible data management services to support the object-oriented model. They were created to handle big and complex data that relational databases could not. The most main characteristic is the joining of object-oriented programming with database technology, which provides an integrated application development system. Object-oriented programming results in 4 main characteristics: inheritances, data encapsulation, object identity, and polymorphism. Object Identity, Object Structure, and Type Constructors Object Identity An OO database system provides a unique identity to each independent object stored in the database. This unique identity is typically implemented via a unique, system-generated object identifier (OID). The OID cab is assigned to program variables of the appropriate type when needed. The main property required of an OID is that it be immutable; that is, the OID value of a particular object should not change. This preserves the identity of the real-world object being represented. Merits of OODBMS over RDBMS The impedance mismatch is completely cancelled out in OODBMS and on the other hand in a relational database system a problem is always faced by a custom software development company. There was lot of wastage of time in RDBMS while objects had to be mapped with tables and the table mapped with objects. In the RDBMS, problems have to be faced by the users when identifying the records and they have to make sure that no two records have the same primary key. In the OODBMS this problem is completely avoided by its unique OIDs. OODBMS can deal with complex data than RDBMS as in ODBMS, a large class able to hold lot of intermediate sized classes, which can keep even more medium sized classes. The database management system maintains the connection between objects and the constraints on objects in an object oriented database, which means, the objects themselves. They permit support of complex application which is not supported by the other models. The programmability and performance, improve navigational access, and simplify concurrency control are improved by the object oriented database. The risks linked with the referential integrity are reduced in OODBMS and it gives an enhanced user metaphor than the relational model. Object oriented database can store both complex component and large structure. The large objects in object oriented database do not need to be broken apart and reassemble by application. Therefore object oriented data base do not suffer performance degradation. RDBMS does not allow the nested structure. These category of applications widely found in CAD/CAE, aerospace, etc. But these applications are easily supported in OODBMS. Besides, it is better to deal with the complex structure in the form of objects rather than table, tuples and records in RDBMS. Limited numbers of data types such as integer and string and limited number of built in operations are available in the relational database management system. This database management system is suitable for simple and few number of data types. The OODBMS on the other hand are appropriate for application where the relationships among elements in the database carry the key information. Conclusion According to the report we can takes some con-clusions regarding RDBMS and OODBMS: †¢ Relational databases have as their objective to ensure data independence ie> Normalized data is separated from processing and the processing corresponding to satisfy-ing informational requirements need not be totally pre-defined, thus accepting ad-hoc re-quirements too. †¢ Object oriented databases have as their main objective encapsulation, being stored together with the data and the methods. They are inseparable. It is said that we have to do with an independence of classes and not with an independence of data. †¢ An OODBMS and not an RDBMS is needed while in the reference applications we have to do with complex data. †¢ The object oriented database mar-kets will continue to develop, but they will still (represent) only a fraction of the traditional databases. †¢ It is appreciated that RDMSs hold the largest part of the largest part of the data-bases. But the prospect is that they will still co-exist for a long time future with the OODBS. ORDBMS complicates database design due to its new richness. There are more alternative designs that can be used to represent a particular situation, and it is not always obvious which to pick. Unthinkingly applying some of these features, such as the COLLECTION columns, create problems.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Become a Better Driver

In every major city accidents happen in which people are injured or killed. These unintended injurious events are caused by a â€Å"mistake† made by the parties involved (Hughes). Many people are good drivers, but it would be good for people to learn to be better drivers. It will help people if they have to retake their license test when they renew their license. This will help them follow the road rules, be more respectful to other drivers, and avoid other distractions while driving. If people follow the road rules, they will learn to become better drivers. There are many different rules that drivers have to learn in order to get their license. If they follow the same rules they learned in the beginning, then there shouldn’t be as many wrecks today as there are. If everyone has to retake their license test when their license expires, then that will help them remember the road rules. An article states, â€Å"U-turns account for over 19 deaths and 654 serious crashes between the year 2004 and 2008† (Road Safety). Recently there have been some changes in the road rules because there have been so many wrecks. In, â€Å"Five Thousand Teenagers Die Annually in Crashes† it states, â€Å"In 2004, more than 2,500 teens were in fatal crashes because of failing to yield or veering out of their lanes† (Hughes). Mistakes like this cause a lot more crashes. So it is important the people retake the license test so they learn to become better drivers so not so many accidents happen. Drivers should learn to be more respectful toward other drivers. When driving, people don’t pay attention to other drivers. Such as at four way stops you need to make sure you wait until it’s your turn to go. Don’t just go because you don’t feel like waiting. â€Å"Intentionality can be seen in a range, from deliberate carelessness (hope no one gets hurt) to recklessness (too bad for them if they don’t get out of the way)† (Hughes). When drivers don’t care about other drivers on the road, more than likely, there are going to be accidents. An article states, â€Å"Weekly, there are stories reported of â€Å"accidents† that are really events based on bad decisions, which have predictable results† (Hughes). Drivers pay too much attention to other distractions. There are cell phones, radios, GPS’s, billboards, etc. A lot of drivers have wrecks because the distractions cause them to pay attention to something else other than driving. Devices aren’t the only distractions. When teenagers have friends in the car with them it is also a distraction. When teenagers drive with their friends, it causes them to not pay as much attention to the road as they should. â€Å"44% of teens acknowledge they drive more safely without friends in the car† (Hughes). Drivers need to pay attention to the road and other drivers instead of everything else going on. Many people consider themselves good drivers. There are always ways that someone can become a better driver, even if you think you already are. In an article it states, â€Å"In the United States, an average of 5,000 teens die every year in car crashes- an average of 14 teenage lives lost every day† (Hughes). If everyone was as good of a driver as they think they are then that many teens would not die yearly. That is why everyone should have to retake their license test when they have to renew their license. Sometimes accidents can just happen regardless of how good of a driver the person is. There is really no way of stopping these kinds of accidents except for trying to avoid them in all possible ways. But even if you try to avoid them, the accident might still happen. If drivers have to retake their license test it would help them keep aware of their surroundings and how to avoid accidents. Everyone can learn to be a better driver by following the rules of the road, respecting other drivers, and by not getting distracted by other things. Although almost everyone says they are good drivers there is always room for improvement. Become a better driver so there will be fewer accidents yearly.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hazards in Dhaka City Essay

During the last couple of decades Dhaka city is one of the fastest growing metropolises in the world. The urban development seems to lack in planning and the problem of urbanization are intensified by high population growth and rural urban migration. Again, Bangladesh suffers from natural calamities every now and then and the urbanization of metropolitan Dhaka is also affected by it. The existing utility services are not capable of coping with the increased demand of the urbanization process. Faulty planning, Lack of coordination among various agencies and overall disregard to environment issues affecting Dhaka include floods, which are associated with river water overflow and rain water stagnation, earthquakes and tornadoes. Flood Hazard: Flood is a type of hydro-meteorological phenomenon and it is very hazardous as it can cause devastating losses in property and human lives. Fast and unplanned development aggravates the consequences of flooding by increasing the monetary costs of losses. These kinds of losses are especially high in urban areas which would be possible to ease with proper planning and management of the urban structures. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) based modeling and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques can help by supplying maps and techniques as assistance to make early warning for risk areas. In this case study, different criteria have been analyzed that have potential impact on the amount of devastation, such as the elevation of the areas, flooding depth, building density, terrain slope, soil type, land use types etc. Based on different factors analysis, results are visualized with the help of GIS and RS presentation and dissemination techniques. In addition, the impacts of different factors on flooding itself are also discussed. Finally, a flood prediction map for Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) in Bangladesh was prepared using the Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) method with particular focus on the different criteria that influence the flooding in Dhaka city. Water Logging: Water logging is a very common problem in Dhaka city during the monsoon period as well as all the year round. Even a little rain causes serious  problems in some parts of the city on every occasion and can create water logging situation for several days which in turn causes huge infrastructural damages by reducing the amount of accessible assets and supplies in the city. This situation normally occurs due to unplanned infrastructure development, insufficient or limited drainage systems, blockage of the drainages, lack of consciousness of these problems by the inhabitants, unplanned build-up of areas within the city, filling up the canals, lakes and water bodies in areas which are mainly acquired by housing companies and brick burning industries within the city. The Dhaka city is usually flooded as a result of rainfalls and the high water level of surrounding river systems. For instance, 1998 flooding was the most catastrophic in the flooding history of Bangladesh, where Dhaka city was affected by heavy rainfall and the high water levels of the river system. Unplanned urbanization is increasing water logging. Earthquakes: The city can be severely affected by earthquakes as it has already happened in the past. Intensities of VI, VII, and VIII have already been registered in the city. The national building code of Bangladesh (BNBC 1993) includes three seismic zones, and Dhaka is located on the second one with a zoning coefficient equivalent to the 15% of the gravity (z=0.15g). According to the results of the Earthquake Disaster Risk Index (EDRI) project, major earthquake risk is associated with the high vulnerability of the building stock due to both poor materials and poor construction processes. Tornados: The two transitional periods between southwest and northeast monsoons over the Indian sub-continent are characterized by local severe storms. The transitional periods are usually referred to as pre-monsoon (March-May), and post-monsoon (October- November). It is the pre-monsoon period when most of the abnormal rainfall or drought conditions frequently occur in different parts of Bangladesh. Also there are severe local seasonal storms, popularly known as nor?westers (kalbaishakhi). Severe nor?westers are generally  associated with tornadoes. Tornadoes are embedded within a mother thundercloud, and moves along the direction of the squall of the mother storm. The frequency of devastating nor?westers usually reaches the maximum in April, while a few occur in May, and the minimum in March. Nor?westers and tornadoes are more frequent in the afternoon. Table 3 shows some of the devastating nor?westers and tornadoes that hit Bangladesh. Nor?westers may occur in late February due to early withdrawal of winter from Bangladesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, and adjoining areas. The occasional occurrence of nor?westers in early June is due to the delay in the onset of the southwest monsoon over the region (Karmakar, 1989). Table: Some of the devastating westers and tornadoes

Friday, November 8, 2019

Korea threats essays

Korea threats essays The article that I found deals with one of the countrys that President Bush has deemed the axis of evil. North Korea is one of a few counties that pose as a genuine threat, not only to the United States, but to the rest of the world as well. North Korea has finally admitted to an active nuke program after it has promised to discontinue their activity. Their nuclear capability worries the people of South Korea and the United States, which has been expressed numerous times by President Bush. North Korea is the country that poses as a serious threat to the United States. Iraq is the other country that Bush has labeled was part of the axis of evil; Iran is the only other country than North Korea that is seen as a large threat. The United Sates had arranged to help North Korea in 2002; in fact they were ready to take economic and political steps to improve the lives of North Korea civilization. North Korea then admitted they had a mass destruction program; this is after the US rightfully vowed not to harbor any country that supports terrorism. North Korea has continually let the international community that they have the ability to build nuclear warheads since 2002. At the end of 2002, they were found two have enough plutonium two build two nuclear bombs. They were trying to lure the United States to help North Korea in their never ending war with South Korea. North Korea wanted the US to look out for their people and give food to a malnourished country. At the same time they were trying to get our support by threatening our country. In conclusion, according to the just war theory the country that we would have rightfully gone to war with is North Korea. The just cause is seen as to secure the life of not only the people in North and South Korea but also all the countries that are in danger by North Korea. Iraq was never found to have mass weapons of destruction, and that is the main reason people are ex...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Introduce Kids to Weather with These Coloring Pages

Introduce Kids to Weather with These Coloring Pages One of the earliest ways kids begin learning about the weather is by drawing and coloring weather symbols like suns, clouds, snowflakes, and the seasons. Teaching children about the weather with art and pictures not only makes it easier for them to understand, it also makes learning about severe and more serious kinds of weather less scary. Weve rounded up a collection of  family-friendly  weather coloring books offered by  the National Weather Service that help keep families informed and safe during severe weather events. Kids are encouraged to read about each severe storm type and then color in the pictures.   Meet Billy Maria Created by NOAAs National Severe Storms Laboratory,  Billy and Maria are two young friends who learn about severe weather through their adventures in  thunderstorms, tornadoes, and winter storms. Young students can accompany them by reading each story page and then coloring in the pictures.   Best for ages: 3 to 5 years The smaller coloring spaces, large text, and  simple sentences make these books appropriate for younger children.  Ã‚   Severe Weather with Owlie Skywarn NOAA also aims to capture the attention of kids with Owlie Skywarn, their official weather mascot.  Owlie is known for being wise about the weather and can help your children and students to do the same.  Booklets are 5-10 pages long and include fact boxes with illustrations that can be colored in. A  quiz (true/false, fill in the blank) is included at the end of every book to test what kids have learned.  Ã‚   In addition to the Owlie Skywarn coloring books, kids can also follow Owlies weather adventures  on Twitter (NWSOwlieSkywarn) and Facebook (nwsowlie). Some of Owlies Activity books  talk about: TornadoesHurricanesFloodsLightningWinter Storms Best for ages:  8 and up The coloring books are expertly designed and very informative, but almost too informative. The font type is quite  small and the information is a little above the coloring book stage of student interest.   Teachers: Weave Coloring Into Your Weather Science Lesson Plans Teachers can  implement these weather coloring books into the classroom as part of a daily plan over the course of five days. Using a severe storms theme, we suggest teachers present all of the materials one day at a time. Print out all of the booklets in the list, but don’t pass out the quiz. Present the material to students and then give them the quiz to take home and complete with their families. Tell students their assignment is to â€Å"teach† their families about severe storm preparation. Parents: Make Weather Coloring An Anytime Activity Just because these coloring books are educational, doesnt mean they dont make a good anytime coloring activity! Parents and guardians should use them at home, too, to begin to teach kids about weather safety from  a very young age.  Each of the coloring books actually shows kids how to react in the event of severe weather so that whenever storms do hit home, your kids will feel more  relaxed and ready for them.   Follow this family plan to implement these booklets in your family nights. We suggest parents plan one night per week to review the written information in the booklets. Since there are five booklets, you can complete this small course of study in just five weeks. Since storm preparation is so vital, you have to remember to practice the safety information over and over. Here are the steps: Assign one night for reading and reviewing the information together.Give your kids supplies to color the pages. Make sure you tell your kids to think about the safety information as they color.Check with your kids periodically to see what they remember. Put the details into practice at  home with random questions about the material. Since storms can happen suddenly, knowing what to do quickly and â€Å"on the spot† is vital to learning and preparation.At the end of the week, go over the information together again. Present the Owlie Skywarn quiz and see how many of the answers your kids can guess.Design a weather drill poster or paper so that you and the rest of your family will know what to do during a storm. Post it to a central spot, like the refrigerator.  Periodically, practice the weather drills so that your family stays refreshed.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Organisational Design Problem Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organisational Design Problem - Coursework Example The internal structures did not change to match the growth of the company like required for successful global expansions. As observed, the corporate culture left loopholes where the inferior performers get rewarded while the productive employees get penalized. The core value of the organizational structure is to ensure that activities like task allocation, coordination, and supervision get stirred towards achieving goals of an organization. As such, the structure of an organization is critical to the performance and operational modes. The structure is known to affect an organization in two positive dimensions. The first dimension is that it offers a foundation for the development of standard operating procedures and routines. The second dimension is the determination that individuals handle a certain task and decision-making process. The structure ensures that it defines the extent with which these views shape the organization’s choice (Campbell and Craig, 2005). There are several challenges faced by the company due to rapid expansion and poor organizational structure. When an organizational structure does not coincide with facts evolving in operational action, it leads to poor performance when the company is expanding (Armstrong, 1996). COY’s inadequate organizational structure hampered cooperation regarding the established centers and the headquarters. Consequently, it leads to the hindrance of completion of defined operations (Peris-Ortiz and Sahut, n.d.). The structure results in a lag in time and misuse of resources when poorly implemented. As such, the organizational structure should be adaptive to the process requirements. The primary aim would involve optimizing the ratio of effort and input to output (Bahram Ranjbarian, 2011). Normally, the strategy of a company that has poorly implemented its organizational structure will change but the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Analysis of the business situation of the Virgin Mobile Essay

Analysis of the business situation of the Virgin Mobile - Essay Example bile operates as a virtual network operator, riding on the physical network of T-Mobile, and later Everything Everywhere (Answers Corporation, 2014; Virgin Mobile USA, 2009; Telecompaper, 2014; RCRWirelessAdmin, 2011; RCRWirelessAdmin, 2013; Thomas, 2013; Ofcom, 2013). Virgin Media UK provides a breakdown of financial data for Virgin Mobile in its UK investor relations reports of financial performance. That aside one can get a glimpse of the kinds of numbers that Virgin Mobile is able to generate too, by looking at the financial and subscriber data for Virgin Media, which is the owner of Virgin Mobile in the UK. As of end of December of 2013, Virgin Mobile had about three million customers, a third of whom are prepaid customers, while more than two million are postpaid customers. They offer voice and data services to this customer base, as well as content. The direction of growth is towards increasing the base of postpaid customers (Virgin Media, 2013; Virgin Media, 2014). Moving on to the financial numbers, total revenues for 2013 amounted to 1.846 billion pounds, a substantial slowdown from revenues of over 3 billion pounds for 2011 and for 2012. As a group, this slowdown reflects a general drop in total revenues for the Virgin Media Group, from about 4 billion pounds for 2011 and for 2012, to just 2.3 billion pounds for 2013. The large drop can be attributed to the large drop in revenues for Virgin Mobile (Virgin Media, 2013; Virgin Media, 2014; Google, 2014b). The chosen SBU unit for analysis in this paper is Virgin Mobile n the UK, as a subsidiary of Virgin Media. In turn, Virgin Media has been bought by Liberty Global, with the Virgin Group being able to retain a small share of total ownership after the acquisition. In terms of competition, the big players include BT, Vodafone, and a slew of broadband players like BSkyB also making plays in the same set industry. EE also competes in this same space, the firm providingVirgin Mobile with the physical

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

PEST Analysis for video game store that i'm opened Term Paper

PEST Analysis for video game store that i'm opened - Term Paper Example It should be noted though, that political environment does not necessarily imply the rivalry between top leaders. Instead, it is refers to how tax policy, labor-law, restrictions pertaining to trade are carried out. London, Canada is one of the best places in terms of political stability due to its setting. As far as the real politics is concerned, there has not been a case of political unrest in the city for a very long time. Concerning the taxes, the central government and the local one are the major collectors through various methods. For instance, the local government mostly collects from parking and such services Therefore, London City seems to be a perfect place to start this video store because there is political stability, no exaggeration of taxes not to mention the security. Secondly, economic factors in every city, especially one where a business is started, are very important and have to be investigated extensively. Usually, when the interest rates are low, business people are able to access loans at a lower rate. At this point, it is vital to understand that since the inflation rate is not high, the local people will be able to spare some money to spend on other things. As an informed businessperson, this video game store will have clients from every part of London courtesy of the marketing strategies. One reality about business is that no matter how strategic one may be, if the overall financial status of the target market is poor, the business will have minimal chances of success. Conversely, if the people in a region are financially stable, the businesses have higher probabilities of achieving success. Therefore, this London city is a great opportunity for this video game business to be initiated. The social aspect of every region is an imperative in the analysis of a business location. It is not logical to initiate a business where the locals hardly

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lead And Manage A Team Essay Example for Free

Lead And Manage A Team Essay 1.1 -Explain the features of effective team performance The features of effective team performance is set up through positive leadership, this is something which is developed and nurtured. An effective team will work together, be focused and all the time supporting each other along the way to achieve and reach goals. For a team to be effective, each team member needs to be clear on their roles and responsibilities relating to their job. Team performance will be more effective if there is respect for the leader/manager and an understanding towards their job role and responsibility. The leader/manager should also be aware of the skills or weakness within the team and be able to provide support were necessary and also utilise their strengths. Training and support will enable staff to improve performance, develop confidence and lift spirit within the team. A leader should encourage any conflicts to be resolved through healthy, professional confrontation and willingly and openly negotiate necessary changes. Effective leaders are a bit like cheerleaders for the team, they encourage and support members who are committed and actively with their teams and engage those members who aren’t participating. 1.2 -Identify the challenges experienced by developing teams Lack of Diverse Skills and Interests: If a team consists of members with similar skills and interests, the purpose of the team may not be achieved. Consider the scope of the project before selecting team members to determine which skills and interests best serve the team. Choose team members who have a range of different skill sets and interests. Read more:  Explain the Features of Effective Team Performance Poor Communication When individuals work as part of a team, communication is a key. If a team member treats his role as an independent one, communication suffers. If the team leader doesnt communicate with the team members, the office suffers. Hold team meetings to discuss expectations. Ask team members about their successes and challenges to gauge the level of communication. Supervisions are key as they are often a good tool to set objectives and measure success. Role Confusion Even though a team works together to achieve a goal, each person needs to know his specific role within the team. Otherwise, role confusion results. When team members lack an understanding of their specific roles or choose not to follow through with their roles, the team cannot develop as a cohesive and well-functioning unit. As a branch manager it is important that i ensure that i develop specific, well-defined roles for each team member. Explain each role, in detail, to each team member to avoid confusion. Monitor team members to make sure they adhere to their assigned role. 1.3 -Identify the challenges experienced by established teams Conflict Conflict can occur in work place for all sorts of reasons, however it can often occur in established teams. Often established teams can become quite friendly and personal issues can interfere or cause problems within the working environment, it is important for me as the branch manager that these are indentified and dealt with sooner rather than later as often it can become difficult to manage if it escalates. Norming Tuckman model refers to Forming – Storming – Norming and performing, Experienced teams can often get stuck in norming which is where everything becomes stagnant and just ticks over day to day. Day to day tasks are complete but nothing above and beyond, as the branch manager its my role to get the team from this stage to performing, this can be done through regular team meetings, supervisions. 1.4 -Explain how challenges to effective team performance can be overcome Working as a part of a team can be challenging depending on different personalities and working styles, however it can be just as rewarding, tasks can get completed quicker and the working environment can be fun and enjoyable. If not managed effectively the team will not function and there are some basic things to bare in mind. Clear job roles Regular team meetings Regular supervisions/appraisals Team building days All staff are aware of what we are working towards Manage performance effectively 1.5 -Analyse how different management styles may influence outcomes of team performance There are many management styles and i believe having one particular type all the time wont work, i find myself more of a democratic which is: Democratic style, the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making: therefore everything is agreed upon by the majority. The communication is extensive in both directions (from employees to leaders and vice versa). This style can be particularly useful when complex decisions need to be made that require a range of specialist skills: for example, when a new ICT system needs to be put in place, and the upper management of the business is computer-illiterate. From the overall business’s point of view, job satisfaction and quality of work will improve, and participatory contributions from subordinates will be much higher. However, the decision-making process could be severely slowed down unless decision processes are streamlined. The need for consensus may avoid taking the ‘best’ decision for the business unless it is managed or limited. As stated above this does have its disadvantages as decisions can be slow and staff can become to involved in the managing of the business. Other types of management styles are: Consultative Persuasive Autocratic Chaotic Democratic is more my style but I will step into other styles should the need arise, however democratic style has its pros and cons, not all decisions can be made or involve the team and during these times conflict and anxiety may arise, it also has the potential to blur job role boundaries as staff may feel they are in a higher position than they actually are, I think its important during times staff can not be involved in decisions then other styles of management should explored, being stuck in one style can become predictive and staff may become complacent. A good style of management is also Autocratic this style of management is where the manager makes all the decisions and this can be an assertive style however it can make the staff  feel less involved in the day to day running of the business, it does have it pros – staff can feel well lead and managed with the business under control as the manager can come across confident. I think its important to move between the both styles depending on the situation, for example if you are disciplining someone the a more assertive style would be needed, where as if you are trying to reach targets or setting KPI’s then the democratic style would be more suited as you would involve the whole team and let everyone decide how the KPI’s would be achieved, staff are more likely to achieve targets if they are involved in the process. 1.6a B -Analyse methods of developing and maintaining trust / Accountability Trust develops from consistent actions that show staff you are reliable, cooperative and committed to team success. A sense of confidence in the workplace better allows employees to work together for a common goal. Trust does not always happen naturally, especially if previous actions make the employees question if you are reliable. Take stock of the current level of trust in the workplace, identifying potential roadblocks. An action plan to build positive relationships helps improve the overall work environment for all employees. Remain honest with your employees about both positive and negative aspects of the business. Expect your management team to maintain the same level of honesty with the employees. This sense of integrity makes your employees and colleagues more trusting of your actions Involve all employees in achieving company goals. Be transparent with your companys mission and goals so all employees feel they are a valuable part of obtaining those objectives. Employees who feel management values them are more likely to instil trust in those leaders Value all input from your employees. Encourage employees at all levels to share their ideas for improving the company. Listen with an open mind even if you dont ultimately choose to follow a suggestion made by an employee. Define the duties. Eighty percent of the job is specified by your job description and responsibilities. Twenty percent of your time, however, is spent helping colleagues and clients. Create an atmosphere where everyone bends over backward for the other person. A successful, trusted and well-respected team  member uses words like, absolutely or certainly when asked for help. Look for things that need to be done and do them without being asked! This is the true definition of teamwork. Be clear with prospective employees during the interview process. What are your expectations? Hold your existing employees and new hires to consistent standards, outlined in your policy manual. True teamwork demands that all employees are held to the same standards and, most importantly, do whatever is necessary to take care of the customer! Define your expectations in a workplace policy manual. A personnel policy and workplace manual should cover individual and team responsibilities. If you don’t already have one, or if you have one that needs updating, be sure it includes items such as: Job description Office and working hours Leave time Professional appearance, including body piercing, tattoos and hair color Salary Other benefits Outside employment Probationary periods Performance reviews Absenteeism Discipline Termination Be aware, however, that more important than defining your expectations: You need to be consistent in holding all employees to the same standard or else you will create an atmosphere of favouritism! Outline the time commitment and set aside adequate time for each task. It is not fair to assign or accept a responsibility and then have no time to accomplish the task. Be realistic about the timeframe, and make sure your team members are aware of the deadlines for each project they take on. Be careful to not overload your staff with too many commitments or too many interruptions. They will get discouraged and burned out. Instead, focus on delegating one task at a time, communicating the objective and timeframe clearly. Open the lines of communication by having an open-door policy. Manage by â€Å"walking around.†Ã‚  Know the concerns of your team and deal with them head on. Ignoring your staff’s concerns will NOT make them go away! Be positive in your approach and dependable in your attitude. Do not lose your temper. Instead, be reasonable and predicable. If you respond inappropriately, whether out of anger or insult, your team will remember the 10 percent of the time that you were out of control, not the 90 percent of the time that you did well! By following these steps and increasing the accountability of your office staff, you create trust and respect in the workplace. With these changes, your sense of teamwork and trust will grow, while decreasing your levels of stress and conflict 1.6 -Compare methods of addressing conflict within a team Be Aware when conflict occurs Knowing that conflict may and will occur is the first step to resolving it, especially if you know that certain team members may disagree with each other. By recognising that there will be conflict, a manager knows what to expect. Set the Ground Rules At the beginning set some ground rules in your first meeting. Be sure to address what process will be taken to address conflicts, as they are bound to rise and will need to be taken care of before they spiral out of control. Tell team members that everyones ideas are valid and that they shouldnt be dismissed, even if you do not agree with them. Learn About Destructive Conflicts Conflict becomes destructive when no resolution is in sight or the issue cannot be resolved. A psychological model for explaining destructive patterns is the persecutor-victim-rescuer triangle. The persecutor would be the bad-guy or bully in this scenario, but the rescuer is also placing him or herself in a position of superiority over the supposed victim. Stop yourself if you see yourself slipping into any of these roles and also try to recognise it in your team. Stop Conflict when it Happens Conflict should be addressed immediately before it can grow. If a discussion  grows heated during a meeting, do not wait until the next meeting to address the issue. Instead, discuss the issue while in the meeting; even if members disagree, they are still able to see each others points of view. Get the Whole Story Be sure you understand the perspectives of every person involved. Conflicts arise when there are differences of opinion, but also due to miscommunication or misunderstanding. As the manager, you should get all the information you can in regards to the conflict so that you can resolve it efficiently and effectively. Meet for Resolutions If the conflict cant be resolved during the initial meeting, set up a separate meeting with those that are having the conflicts, so that a resolution can be reached without getting the other team members involved and picking sides. Discuss Both Sides of a Perspective Even if you are inclined to agree with one side of the conflict, do not make a final judgment until each person has had their say. Ending a discussion without hearing each person out can escalate the problem. Explain the pros and cons of both ideas, so that both people can consider the opposing view. Make Compromise a Goal Compromising between parties is helpful, as it can allow for both conflicting parties the ability to use their ideas. Most times, points can be combined in order to make a better idea or solution.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Strong Women in my Life :: essays papers

Strong Women in my Life Demi Moore can pull off a shaved head with grace and beauty. I can’t do that. If I were to shave my head, I would slightly resemble a cantaloupe. I get that, and the rest of my physical characteristics, from my mother. Short and ample do not make for a graceful bald-headed woman. Martha Stewart can make a soufflà © from an egg, some tree bark, and a cup of sugar. I can’t do that either. My inability to just â€Å"wing† recipes comes directly from my grandmother. If it’s written down, I can do it, but from there it can get a little scary. Hillary Clinton is a hard-working, respectable woman with an Ivy League education. Now THAT I can handle. My dedication, determination and independence come from the array of women who have guided me through life thus far. Inspiring me to find a career that I thoroughly enjoy, no matter the costs, these women have lit my path. Every piece of me has seemed to come from an inspirational woman who has somehow graced my life. Whether for a second or for a decade, they have made imprints on my soul. To limit myself to describe the one person who has given me the most inspiration would be virtually unfeasible. I am a collage of influence and choice made by those with whom I have interacted. My strongest qualities, determination and independence, are deeply rooted in my family. Coming from an extremely tight-knit family all living within 30 minutes of each other, we bring new meaning to the clichà ©, â€Å"It takes a village.† My Aunt Betty is CEO of two corporations and taught me to sacrifice nothing for my dreams. My Grandmother, having borne seven children of her own and cared for twenty-one grandchildren while working with her husband in the family business, taught me that I do not have to sacrifice one for the other- prosperity comes in the balance. My strength comes from my mother. Having overcome obstacles and making immeasurable sacrifices, she lives her dreams through her three daughters. She never accepts anything from the best from me and I do my best not to disappoint her. She instilled in me the strength to have MY OWN dreams and to never be afraid of them. Individuality emanates from my Aunt Kathy, as she has always encouraged me to break the conve ntional molds of femininity and go after what I desire.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mass Media Essay

The mass media are diversified media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. The technologies through which this communication takes place varies. Broadcast media such as radio, recorded music, film and television transmit their information electronically. Print media use a physical object such as anewspaper, book, pamphlet or comics,[1] to distribute their information. Outdoor media is a form of mass media that comprises billboards, signs or placards placed inside and outside of commercial buildings, sports stadiums, shops and buses. Other outdoor media include flying billboards (signs in tow of airplanes), blimps, and skywriting.[2] Public speaking and event organising can also be considered as forms of mass media.[3] The digital media comprises both Internet and mobile mass communication. Internet media provides many mass media services, such as email, websites, blogs, and internet based radio and television. Many other mass media outlets have a presence on the web, by such things as having TV ads that link to a website, or distributing a QR Code in print or outdoor media to direct a mobile user to a website. In this way, they can utilise the easy accessibility that the Internet has, and the outreach that Internet affords, as information can easily be broadcast to many different regions of the world simultaneously and cost-efficiently. The organizations that control these technologies, such as television stations or publishing companies, are also known as the mass media. INTERNET The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. According to Internet World Stats, as of December 31, 2011 there was an estimated 2,267,233,742 Internet users worldwide. The number of Internet users represents 32.7 percent of the world’s population. Unlike online services, which are centrally controlled, the Internet is decentralized by design. Each Internet computer, called a host, is independent. Its operators can choose which Internet services to use and which local services to make available to the global Internet community. Remarkably, this anarchy by  design works exceedingly well. There are a variety of ways to access the Internet. Most online services offer access to some Internet services. It is also possible to gain access through a commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP). The Internet has become impossible to ignore in the past two years. Even people who do not own a computer and have no opportunity to â€Å"surf the net† could not have missed the news stories about the Internet, many of which speculate about its effects on the ever-increasing number of people who are on line. Why, then, have communications researchers, historically concerned with exploring the effects of mass media, nearly ignored the Internet? With 25 million people estimated to be communicating on the Internet, should communication researchers now consider this network of networks 1 a mass medium? Until recently, mass communications researchers have overlooked not only the Internet but the entire field of computer-mediated communication, staying instead with the traditional forms of broadcast and print media that fit much more conveniently into models for appropriate research topics and theories of mass communication. However, this paper argues that if mass communications re searchers continue to largely disregard the research potential of the Internet, their theories about communication will become less useful. Not only will the discipline be left behind, it will also miss an opportunity to explore and rethink answers to some of the central questions of mass communications research, questions that go to the heart of the model of source-message-receiver with which the field has struggled. This paper proposes a conceptualization of the Internet as a mass medium, based on revised ideas of what constitutes a mass audience and a mediating technology. The computer as a new communication technology opens a space for scholars to rethink assumptions and categories, and perhaps even to find new insights into traditional communication technologies. This paper looks at the Internet, rather than computer-mediated communication as a whole, in order to place the new medium within the context of other mass media. Mass media researchers have traditionally organized themselves around a specific communications medium. The newspaper, for instance, is a more precisely defined area of interest than printing-pres s-mediated communi- cation, which embraces more specialized areas, such as company brochures or wedding  invitations. Of course, there is far more than a semantic difference between conceptualizing a new communication technology by its communicative form than by the technology itself. The tradition of mass communication research has accepted newspapers, radio, and television as its objects of study for social, political, and economic reasons. As technology changes and media converge, those research categories must become flexible.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Deprivation as a Result of Poverty Essay

Slums in Mumbai are only a reflection of many facets of poverty. The movie Slumdog Millionaire directed by Danny Boyle is an ideal portrayal of the harsh lives of children on the wrong side of India who experience the bitterness of poverty. Despite the unjust peculiarities and sorrows created by poverty, people are still hopeful on their future and still have lust for life. Dharavi is a perfect example of slum area. Slum area is generally defined as informal and low class settlements often found in the cities. â€Å"Dharavi is a sprawling, chaotic place of precariously-built brick houses, bamboo and corrugated iron-roofed huts, milky cess pits, greasy fried food stalls and noisy, dusty workshops† with unreasonably many number of population (â€Å"Slum in Mumbai† 2009). Their illegal settlements deprived them of public services such as water sewage and medical assistance. Moreover, their massive population encourages fornication, street gangs or other forms of violence, health problems, homelessness and thus poverty. The level of poverty experienced in the Slums of Mumbai is not only manifested in the shortest of common or basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water. But poverty also deprived them of many opportunities such as the education, high paying careers and updated modernity. Children and youth under the state of poverty instead of participating in community and social services for their individual growth and learning will be forced to work at a very early age to provide for their family. Thus spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth is relatively slower compared to those youngsters expose to different learning communities/ activities. People who live in poverty often perceive themselves as hopeless individuals and unconsciously see themselves as victims of capitalism. They often have a bad impression towards government and social institutions believing that their services are unfairly distributed for the people like them. As a result, they are the one prone to rebellious activities against the government. They are often putted into a situation where they make impulsive decisions for the sake of survival that will only serve to further complicate their lives. This may include considering crime as an acceptable or justifiable alternative for physical survival. Ultimately, their value system and moral standard will be greatly affected. Poverty may cause disunity inside the family and community as a whole. Example of this is the increasing number of single mothers and separated parents because couples can’t live by love alone. Poverty may lead to encountering many mental and psychological problems because and anxieties and different levels of depression. The effects of poverty all over the world especially on slum areas show inequalities and disparities between the rich and the poor. It is not only a reflection of their own wrongdoings but also a reflection of mismanagement in governance and unequal distribution of wealth and resources. Moreover, poverty especially in Asia is also a reflection of cultural causes which exercise their life in conformity to their tradition and religion. The United Nations and various social institutions though are working hand in hand to at least lessen poverty since everybody deserves a decent life. . (2009). â€Å"Slum in Mumbai†. The Star Online. Retrieved on February 17, 2009 from http://thestar. com. my/lifestyle/story. asp? file=/2009/2/16/lifefocus/3092984&sec=lifef

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Farewell To Arms Essays - Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell To Arms

A Farewell To Arms Essays - Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell To Arms A Farewell to Arms The book A Farewell to Arms, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a classic about the love story of a nurse and a war ridden soldier. The story starts as Frederick Henry is serving in the Italian Army. He meets his future love in the hospital that he gets put in for various reasons. I thought that A Farewell to Arms was a good book because of the symbolism, the exciting plot, and the conezt moving of the main character. The symbolism in A Farewell to Arms is very much apparent. Ernest Hemingway has always been one who is big on the symbolism of night as being bad. To the main character in Hemingway's novels, nights have always been a sign of death, or something negative to happen. Another one of the symbolisms in A Farewell to Arms is when Henry tries to escape from the Italian army by jumping off one of the ships the army was traveling on and running away from the army. This symbolism was the water that he jumped into was a symbolism of the new, clean life that he was going to live from now on. At this time, Henry goes off and finds his wife to be. The plot in A Farewell to Arms was always active. They were never staying in one place too long. It had a very good story line, which was a love story that ended up in a tragedy. The main character's wife got pregnant and she was off to have her baby when problems started occurring. They had to have a caesarean, and the baby dies, and when the mother of the child starts to hemorrhage Henry knows that it was over for his wife and he was right. From the beginning of the book until the end, the action was up. Ever since the front page Henry was traveling around to different towns so it was not boring for the reader. That made it very interesting for the reader because it was always a new town coming up so they were being introduced in the new characters quite often. As the story goes on, the reader is not introducing as many new people, but they are still traveling around quite a bit. Hemingway has a way with arranging the plots of all his stories. They all have that right timing to them. He always introduces only people that will affect the story, he does not introduce someone who will be in the scene for five minutes and then leave. I felt that the author's planning on putting this novel together was very good. Ernest Hemingway has always been one of the world's best known classic writers. His style and technique of symbolism is much different than others. He uses then in very strong ways that you the reader does not always pick up. I am sure that I missed some of the symbolism that went on in the book. I picked up a few though and they were very interesting. I recommend this to anyone who is interested in a love story that does not get too intimate.